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Contentment and Courage

Contentment and Courage
“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid…’”
Hebrews 13:5-6

I had many motivations for wanting to go into full-time ministry, some of which were less than noble. I remember as a teenager listening to global workers share at my church, amazed by their stories of life far away from the stresses and realities of American life. Becoming a global worker, I mused, meant never having to worry about peer pressure or money ever again. 

Spoiler alert: Global workers do, in fact, think of money at times. They still need it, and yes, they still even want it. 

When I lived in Asia, I remember waiting eagerly for my monthly trips to a big city on our island, looking forward to buying coffee, makeup, and new clothes that were more difficult to acquire in our smaller town. I also remember being consumed with worry when our monthly support dropped unusually low, and I wondered how we’d have enough to pay for bills as well as our upcoming (and necessary!) visa trip out of the country.  

When we returned on Home Assignment, we found that our young sons were also prone to loving money (or at least the things money could buy!). I remember one particularly embarrassing Sunday morning, when our youngest walked into a church and ran excitedly to a table overflowing with toys. Being accustomed to receiving gifts from family and friends, he mistakenly thought the gifts collected for Operation Christmas Child were all for him! 

What’s the real danger with love of money? It strips us of our confidence in who God is. On what He’s promised and how He works. 

He will sustain me another day, even when I can’t get to the mall or my kids don’t get that special treat. 

I don’t need to fear when that monthly check is less than expected, because HE is enough. 

When I choose contentment, there is courage in the face of need or want, trusting that He will never leave me or forsake me. Courage that declares before the watching world where my help comes from. Not from money or from more “stuff,” but from the Lord! 

Closing Prayer
Father, thank you for being enough for us! How we praise you for your promise to never leave us or forsake us! In all our days, in every situation we face, may we move forward with courage, trusting that YOU go with us and will provide for us in your perfect way. May we cling to you as our Helper when we are afraid, choosing to recall your faithfulness in times of doubt and uncertainty. In your faithful name we pray, Amen.
Website: M Care: What M's Ought to Know about Contentment by Ron and Bonnie Koteskey I love this site, and these are some great thoughts on contentment for global workers!
Question for Reflection

Consider a current need in your life. How might God’s promise in Hebrews 13:5 to never leave you or forsake you give you courage to face the future without fear?

Sarah Deal
August 03, 2023

Our family is currently walking through some changes, including beginning to homeschool our junior high and high school sons for the first time in six years. There are days when I wonder how I will handle the new stresses and the added time constraints of this new situation, but God reminds me daily that He is with me in this new endeavor that He’s led us into! When I am tempted to fear, I can remind myself that He will be with me every step of the way, and that He has promised to meet every need for both me and my children along the way.