Clans, descendants, kings, children. The lists go on and on. Day by day, I had slowly been reading my way through the Bible, beginning with Genesis. I had arrived at 1 Chronicles but excitement dwindled as I scanned the first chapter. It seemed dry. It seemed tedious. It seemed irrelevant.
Yet, deep in my soul, I held fast to the truth that “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Even 1 Chronicles.
Out of obedience and reverence for the whole of God’s Word, I began to read. I read names of people who sang and built, who led armies and countries. I read names of those who had sons, who were sons. It still seemed dry, tedious, and even irrelevant–until I landed on 1 Chronicles 12.
At the very end of Chapter 12, people gathered. Fighting men, Israelites, and people from far away came to Hebron to crown David king. They came to show their loyalty to David and to the God he served. They came to celebrate!
“There were plentiful supplies of flour, fig cakes, raisin cakes, wine, oil, cattle and sheep, for there was joy in Israel.” 1 Chronicles 12:40b
Not just names, but names of real people fill 1 Chronicles. We meet people who lived and died, who hated and loved, who cried and laughed, who suffered and celebrated. They ate fig cakes and drank wine, for there was joy in Israel!
Gathering with others. Celebrating with food. Serving the God of Jacob. Suddenly, 1 Chronicles seems perfectly relevant–and perfectly full of joy!
What book or story of the Bible has been an unexpected joy for you to read?
Judges. No matter how often God’s people blew it, God seemed to offer another chance. What joy to know that our God is a loving, forgiving God!