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But I Did Everything Right!

But I Did Everything Right!
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“The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. You will not despise a broken and humbled heart, O God.”
Psalms 51:17

I waited longer than usual at the crosswalk known for its danger. Steady rain made the winter evening feel ominous, alerting all of my senses to the present moment. Eventually, a driver followed the rules and came to a purposeful, complete stop. I cautiously stepped into the street with my excited golden retriever, Duncan, reeling him in close to my side. Suddenly, the stopped car was moving at a quick speed, nearly brushing Duncan’s nose. I shrieked and froze as my heart thumped through my winter layers. The car had just barely missed us; we were lucky.  

It was a close call that would haunt me for days. Before I stepped into the street, I had been fully present, undistracted by a phone in hand or music in my ears. I patiently waited for a safe pause in traffic to cross the intersection. I was careful. In other words, I had done everything right. 

As I replayed the terrifying moment in my mind over the next few days, I realized how desperately I wanted to be able to blame myself. If I had been texting, lost in a podcast, or rushing, it would feel better. I would be in control. I would feel less vulnerable. Most importantly, I would not have to face the reality that my security does not depend on me doing things right. 

David warns us of this when he paints the picture of a rule-following person trying to please God with religious performance in Psalm 51. At the time, his declaration was shocking. In a culture accustomed to sacrificial acts, it was hard to believe in a God who desires broken hearts more than burnt offerings. Today, our sacrifices are different but the struggle is the same: to fully grasp that, as followers of Christ, our security is dependent on one thing only–our surrendered hearts.

Closing Prayer
Dear Lord, We confess our tendency to believe that our right actions will result in your protection and blessing. Show us the places in our lives right now where we trust ourselves more than you. Remind us that our hearts are what you want the most, whatever state they may be in–grieving, angry, worried, broken–and let us open them up to you with humility and gratitude. Amen.
Social Media Account: @dugansherbondy For a moving and real-time example of utter dependence on God, follow @dugansherbondy on Instagram. Despite a tragic accident that left his young daughter with a traumatic brain injury, with gut-wrenching honesty, he publicly wrestles with and depends on God through hopeless prognoses from medical providers, long days of caregiving, and social media attacks on his faith.
Question for Reflection

I desperately wanted to be able to blame myself when my beloved dog was nearly hit by a car. Can you relate to this feeling? If so, what drives this in you?

Holly Pennington
March 03, 2021

If I can blame myself when something bad happens, it means there is something I can fix. If I can fix it, I can control it. But, why do I want control? Two things immediately come to mind: self-protection and self-reliance. Naming these challenges me. Isn’t God a better Protector than me? Yes. And, wouldn’t I rather depend on God than myself? Yes. My reluctance to be wholly dependent on God for my security is a result of habit, not belief.