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by SARAH DEAL TRANSFORMATION Culture adjustment Reflecting God
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians 3:18

During our family’s years living in Asia, we had the opportunity to help new global workers as they adapted to the language and culture of our country. We witnessed over a hundred workers come and go over the years, moving painstakingly through the process we called Becoming. This Becoming involved letting go of some of their previous identity as people of their passport countries, ready to understand and be understood by those to whom they had come to serve and, ultimately, share Christ with.  

It was not always an easy process. But it was a rewarding one, and a fascinating one to watch. One particularly interesting phenomenon was the ability of some to pick up on and eventually take on characteristics of the host country. My favorite was the utterance “uh-uh,” which, on our island actually signaled the affirmative! This is not something that could be taught per-se, but rather seemed to come naturally to those who had spent a significant amount of time with the local people.  

Global workers like this had Become. They were being transformed. Simply from being with the people. 

Of course, there were hours upon hours of effort poured into language study and analysis, but this was no replacement for the element of time spent, shoulder to shoulder, in observance and in participation with the people. 

I am encouraged as I read Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians, reminded that my transformation, spiritually speaking, comes from simply beholding the Lord’s glory. Time spent in His Word, in prayer, beholding His glory and reflecting on His goodness, will work to transform my heart to be more like His. 

Oh how I desire that His glory would transform me as I spend time with Him! What a thought—that He will transform me as I sit in His presence, that I can choose to submit to this greatest of all Becomings!  

It matters where I look, where I spend my time. I become what I behold. May my life reflect Him more each day as I sit at His feet and rest in His transforming work!

Closing Prayer
Father, what an honor to be transformed into your likeness! And what a weight lifted off my shoulders to know that its not up to me to bring about this transformation. Help me to submit to your work in my life by presenting my body as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2). Help me to prioritize time with you, in your Word and in prayer, recognizing my dependence on you for everything. Thank you for your transforming and redeeming work in my life through Christ. Amen.
Podcast: Prayer in a Noisy World with Valerie Woerner I cannot say enough good things about this podcast! If you are looking for something good, filling, uplifting, and challenging to listen to that will help you be transformed into the image of God and help you walk away being motivated to spend time at the feet of Jesus, this is the podcast for you!!
Question for Reflection

Think back over your last 24 hours. Are you satisfied with the time spent beholding God (in prayer, in His Word, reflecting on His goodness, etc.)? What is one step you can take to help realign your priorities to spend more time at His feet?

Sarah Deal
August 12, 2024

I am currently participating in a prayer challenge, where I am attempting to trade one hour on my phone with one hour in prayer. Yet still, I spent over three hours on my phone yesterday, and an hour or so of unnecessary time on my computer. Boo! I am asking the Lord to help me realign my priorities in giving up screen time and re-focusing my mind on Him throughout the day (not just during my morning quiet time).
Setting my phone on “focus mode” during the morning hours today is helping so far, which means I am not getting any notifications from 8-12.
I’m considering putting my phone away after dinner and leaving alone until morning.
Also, I think I need to charge in a different room (NOT my bedroom) so I’m not tempted to scroll at night or in the morning.
Asking the Lord to help me with screen time so that I can practice making time for silence and learn to listen to His voice throughout the day. Technology can be so loud and I don’t want to let it drown out His voice!