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Balance and Bounce

by GAIL GOOLSBY BALANCE Balancing ministry, family, & life Culture adjustment Re-entry Self-care
Balance and Bounce
“There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven"
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Strange weather, different time zones, intermittent electricity, unfamiliar foods, foreign faces, and unknown language jolt the body and mind out of rhythm. In our new place of residence, missing home and all the knowns of the past pull at us daily, using up precious energy, and reducing our ability to bounce into each new day…for a season.  

How do we get back our balance, our normalcy in new places, new situations? 

There is not one right way to restore or build resilience that applies to everyone. We need to pay careful attention to our unique body, our individual emotions, our particular mental and spiritual messages. Health professionals encourage daily monitoring of moods, energy, sleep and events to give us insight into helpful choices and appropriate tweaks to daily routine. 

Resiliency, the ability to recover quickly from illness or trials is a mighty resource in transitions and tough times. A healthy life includes proper feeding, exercising, and resting our frail, limited human body. New strategies, creative adjustments of past successful rhythms in physical self-care may be required in unfamiliar environments. 

Sabbath is also mandated by a loving God, a day of margin, of stopping work. A deliberate, slower pace at least one day a week gives space for worship, for reflection, for rest, for connecting and for remembering Who is really in charge of our lives and being grateful, not exhausted. 

When we stay booked up to bedtime each day, even with recreation, online activities like social media, games or binge-watching YouTube videos, we leave ourselves vulnerable to stress and poor behaviors. Chronic busyness depletes the resiliency storehouse. Instead, we need to plan selected, restorative activities with supportive, encouraging, even fun-loving people. And look for opportunities to use our God-given talents for the benefit of others. 

Not everyone will agree or confirm our personal choices to build resiliency and health. No matter, we must take our stand in confidence as we lean into God’s wisdom for what is best for us. A bouncy, balanced life reflects God well and helps us welcome each new day. 

Closing Prayer
Dear Loving Father, teach us how to showcase You through a balanced, resilient life, even through hard times. We do not need perfection, just a sustainable rhythm, including being kind and gentle with our human needs physically and emotionally. Grant us wisdom and discipline to do the right things for keeping bounce and health even during tough times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Question for Reflection

What symptoms are you experiencing that show an out-of-balanced life presently? What is one thing you can do to improve physical or emotional self-care this week?

Gail Goolsby
October 11, 2024

As a life coach, I am constantly assisting clients (and myself!) to take note of things out of balance, a flat, non-bouncy existence. Sometimes things happen to us, sometimes we do it to ourselves, but either way, God will help us through the mist to a better rhythm physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or whatever is needed. One step at a time forward is all that is required to begin.