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At the Feet of Jesus

At the Feet of Jesus
“Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard. It was an expensive perfume. She poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the sweet smell of the perfume.”
John 12:3

At the end of his life, Billy Graham was asked what he would do differently if he could go back in time. His answer made me stop and think. He said that if he could do anything differently, he would spend less time traveling and “doing” and more time just reading the Word and being with Jesus. It was such a simple response, but yet, so profound. Billy Graham made one of the biggest impacts on evangelism during his lifetime, and yet, at the end of it all, he knew the greatest value was in his time spent with His Lord and Savior. 

That reminds me of the story of Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus. Her story is well known as her sister, Martha, busily worked to prepare the food. The Mary in this story is most likely the same Mary who poured out the perfume on Jesus’ feet in John 12. Why is this important? Because the time Mary had spent with Jesus gave her insight and revelation that no one else around her had. She knew her time with Jesus was short. She came to understand why He had come and that He soon would no longer be with her. Her time with Jesus gave her intimate revelation that changed her forever. It changed her so much that she knew Jesus to be more valuable than any earthly possession she owned.  

Scholars say that the amount of perfume Mary poured out upon Jesus would have taken a year’s wages to pay for. Most likely, that perfume was a dowry which represented a future life with a future husband. Mary poured it all out upon Jesus. That decision did not come lightly. It came from time in Jesus’ presence. It came from knowing Him personally and intimately, and what Mary came to know, was the answer to all life’s difficulties and heartaches. 

In the presence of Jesus is the only place we can know true refreshment. It’s there that all the muck and mire of this life washes away. It is there that we find He is the One who restores our souls.

Closing Prayer
Jesus, I thank you that you restore my soul. I can come to you when I feel overwhelmed, burdened or wounded. Your presence brings life and refreshing. It renews and strengthens. I choose to sit at your feet today and receive from you. Amen.
Question for Reflection

What are ways you can make time to sit at the feet of Jesus?

Sherilyn Grant
January 12, 2024

I never used to be a morning person, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to value the quiet part of my morning before the hustle begins. I’ve found Jesus waiting for me in those early morning moments, and they’ve become such as sweet time of allowing Him to restore me and refresh me and prepare me for my day. I have come to learn, like the Psalmist, that there is a special sweetness to meeting with Jesus first thing when I wake up. I have come to guard this time and make it a priority that has given me renewed strength and perspective for my days.