“O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to You for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in Your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of Your wings”. Psalm 61:1-4
As I read these verses, two words jumped out at me: overwhelmed and safe.
“I cry out to You when my heart is overwhelmed.” Yes. I resonate with that. I have had an overwhelmed heart. Actually “overwhelmed” is a word I use far too often to describe how I am feeling. The psalmist has gotten my attention. I read on.
Notice how many times the word “safe” is mentioned in these four verses. This is a key part of what is being communicated. David asks the Lord to lead him to a towering rock of safety. For a military man who has fought many battles, I can understand how David would describe a safe place as a fortress, refuge, rock. But how would I describe a safe place for me since most of my battles aren’t in the form of a physical war with swords and arrows? A safe place could be anywhere as long as there is peace in my mind. That’s what I need for my overwhelmed heart. So where do I find this place of safety? David prayed for God to lead him to a towering rock of safety. In order to know something is towering over you, you must look up. “I look up to the mountains, does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord who made the heaven and earth!” (Psalm 121:1-2) So I look up and remember who my refuge is and how He has been faithful in the past.
The other day I was biking home with an overwhelmed and heavy heart. The cloudy forecast hadn’t lifted in days. As I was riding and contemplating what it means to hope in the Lord in my current situation, I glanced up. A brief break in the cloud coverage allowed the sun to start shining through the clouds. I felt the warmth on my face. I looked up. Worship music was playing in my headphones and my heart felt a surge of hope.
Looking up, physically and mentally, allows my gaze to be diverted, my attention rerouted. I stop focusing on all that is eye level and I look up to my towering rock of safety. I remember who He is and what He has done. I choose to worship Him. I encourage you to look up today and to be at peace in God who is your safe refuge.
What is something practical that you do when you are feeling overwhelmed? How does that help you?
I often do deep breathing and that helps when my heart is racing so fast. I also have noticed that though I am going through an intense time right now, I currently do not feel overwhelmed! I think that is because I have been praying a lot more. This situation that I am in is so much bigger than I am, I need to pray a lot and that has caused me to feel less overwhelmed with the situation! That wasn’t my intention but it has been a wonderful side benefit. =)