“If she succeeds, I can’t.” “She probably has enough friends.” “That organization is already doing similar work.”
Do you ever have thoughts like this?
Sometimes I’m sure I know how much the world has and needs. I’ve been paying attention lately, and here’s what I’m learning: where I believe there are limits is where I tend to compare.
As an artist, I measure my Instagram presence against similar artists. I dig deep and uncover a belief that people only want a certain amount of art in their feeds.
As a ministry leader, I compare things like attrition in my small groups to others’. I wade through my feelings of inadequacy and discover thoughts about limits on the leadership gifts God can give me.
As a woman, I long to feel relationally full. I make up stories about the women around me and the friendships they have. Beneath those stories is a belief that I’m capable of maintaining deep relationships with only a few others.
Scarcity can rule my mind. It is a breeding ground for comparison. And it is not from God.
I serve a God of abundance. He does not limit me or set limits. His ability to bless me is beyond what I can predict or understand. Perhaps most importantly, God’s provision for me is not affected by His provision for others.
Paul writes that God is able to bless us abundantly, so that in all things at all times, we have what we need and will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8). It is almost too much to take in, isn’t it? And if we could fully grasp it, what would it do to the scarcity mindset of thinking?
I’m ready to find out.
Has God revealed areas of your life where you tend to go to “scarcity mindset?” Do you find any connection between these and the areas in which you are susceptible to comparison?
I am most susceptible to relational comparison. My limiting beliefs dominate this area, mostly about myself and my shortcomings, but I also come to unfounded conclusions about the relational lives of others. Sometimes, I meet someone new and decide they must already have enough friends because of one thing they say or an impression they make. I become convinced that they have no room for me in their busy relational life and stop any potential of a relationship before one begins.