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What is Ruling?

by SARAH DEAL PEACE Re-entry Trust Transitions
What is Ruling?
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful”
Colossians 3:15

My husband and I are about to make a BIG change. After almost twenty years of either living as, training for, or being a part of equipping cross-cultural workers, we are stepping out of full-time ministry. Leaving behind years of fruitful labor, good memories and not-so-good ones, years that formed us as a family of four and made us who we are all these years later.  

There are many emotions rattling around in my heart. Many fears and wrestlings with identity. 

Who will I be when the title “cross-cultural woman” fades away? 

A friend once challenged me with Paul’s words in Colossians, where he exhorts the church to let the peace of Christ rule in their hearts. She asked the question: “Sarah, what is ruling in your heart?” 

Wow. The boldness of her question stopped me in my tracks. I knew the answer, at that time, was certainly NOT peace. Fear. Anxiety. Pride, maybe. 


But you know what’s encouraging? Paul, his words inspired by the Holy Spirit, doesn’t command us to manufacture a peace in the midst of our anxiety and our doubt. 

To conjure up some courage of our own to conquer all fear. 

Our role is passive, at best. We are called to LET. To allow the peace of Christ, peace that’s already provided, waiting, and available, to rule in our hearts.

And what is the result of this “letting”? A thankful heart—one that is secure and resting in the One who has it all under control. 

And you know what? As my family and I step out in faith into this new season, God has been so faithful to remind me of His peace, available to take rule in my heart each day. It truly passes understanding!

Reminiscent of Jeremiah’s praise in Lamentations: “His mercies are new every morning,” I am thankful that I can daily return to this posture of humility, ready to allow His peace to rule above my own understanding or perceived sense of control.

He graciously invites us to peace and only waits for us to receive it. 

Closing Prayer
Father, we are humbled as we come to you with our hearts heavy and burdened by distractions and anxiety. So many things clamoring for the throne of our hearts, yet we choose YOU. We choose your peace. Help us to allow your peace to reign in our hearts, as we seek to honor you. When your peace is reigning, we are equipped to live in peace with our sisters and brothers in your body, and we grow in thankfulness, too. May this be true of us, Lord! We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Book: Returning Well by Melissa Chaplin Highly, highly recommend for those returning from serving overseas or ending a cross-cultural career. She cleverly uses the Hollywood movie “Castaway” as a jumping off point to illustrate deeply moving and relatable points regarding adaptation, re-entry, reverse culture shock, and many more ideas that are difficult to navigate upon return to the passport country.
Song: Peace Be Still by Hope Darst “Peace be still, You are here, so it is well. Even when my eyes can’t see, I will trust the voice that speaks…I’m not gonna fear the storm, You are greater than its roar..”
Question for Reflection

What is ruling in your heart? What would it look like to allow God’s peace to rule in your heart instead?

Sarah Deal
May 01, 2024

This devotional was prompted by something God has been showing me and convicting me of lately regarding what is ruling my heart. Just about everything I do is ruled by fear of man. Through a number of different circumstances, (which I truly believe have been God-ordained!!) I have been challenged in the (seemingly unrelated) discipline of prayer. What I didn’t realize was that I had been living for a long time as if I could “do life” without God. The simple act of focusing on a daily prayer time, taking time to realign my focus and prioritize that relationship with Him before I begin my day, has changed so much for me. God has faithfully begun to shift my perspective by allowing me to see Him for who He truly is—bigger and more glorious than any human that I fear. Verse like 2 Timothy 1:7 and Psalm 56:3-4 have come alive for me and helped me allow His peace to take the throne of my heart. It has not been my doing, but His, and I am grateful for His work in my heart!!